Institutional Cooperation Programmes

This programme financially supports the mobility of academics and young researchers conducting binational research projects of different areas. The Argentine institution has to submit the application to the CONICET, the German part to the DAAD headoffice in Bonn.
The duration of the funding is 2 years.
- Travel and accommodation allowances for research visits to the partner institution
For more information about this programme please click here [PDF 279.15 KB].
This programme supports the creation of a lasting university cooperation between German and Argentinian higher education institutions via reciprocal exchange of students and scientists.
The duration of the funding is up to 2 years (for first-time applicantions).
- Monthly payments for students
- Financial aid for work stays of professors
- German courses in Germany
Fact finding missions are supposed to initiate long-term contractual partnerships at the department and/or institute level. Ideally, these will result in successful joint applications for funding in one of the DAAD partnership programmes.
The duration of the funding is approx. 6 months.
- Funding of trips from German university lecturers to meet potential cooperation partners in DAC countries
Here you can find more Information about this scholarship.
Please find the information of this programme on the German version of our website.
The DAAD programme, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), supports partnerships between universities on topics relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its aim is to contribute to sustainable development and the strengthening of universities in partner countries and in Germany.
The programme has two funding streams: one open to any field of study and the other focusing on current issues of political and social debate. Priority is given to areas such as health (especially pandemic prevention), biodiversity, ecosystem restoration and climate change. The participating institutions seek to strengthen teaching, research and university management in key areas for sustainable development.
This fellowship has a maximum duration of 3 years.
Projects are funded up to a maximum amount of 293,750 euros for a maximum of 3 years.
In multilateral partnerships (one German university and several Argentinean universities) an additional amount of up to 25,000 euros per year can be funded.
More information about this scholarship here (in German)
The aim is for participants to acquire key skills in university management and to implement reform projects in their own universities. International training teams support them in implementing practical and institutional changes.
International Deans’ Course (IDC)
Aimed at deans and vice-deans, this course provides tools for faculty management and academic quality improvement.
University Leadership and Management Training Programme (UNILEAD)
Aimed at young university managers, UNILEAD provides training in leadership, project management and quality assurance.
Management of Internationalisation (MoI)
This programme trains internationalisation managers in the creation of strategies, global networks and management of academic mobility.
More information about this scholarship here
The programme supports study trips for groups of a maximum of 15 students accompanied by one university teacher.
The duration of the funding is at least 7 days and a maximum of 12 days. There are application deadlines each year.
- Flat rate allowance of 50 euros per person per day is paid as a contribution towards travel and accommodation expenses
Here you can find more information about this scholarship
DAAD Information Centre Buenos Aires
Av. Corrientes 319, 1er piso, oficina 6 1043 Buenos Aires