
Lectors and Professorships in Argentina

The DAAD in Argentina is not only represented by the Information Centre in Buenos Aires, but also by its four lectors in the area of German as a foreign language, translation and teacher training in Tucumán, Córdoba and Buenos Aires. In addition, the DAAD Argentina holds a professorship and a long-term lectureship at the Chair of Architecture Walter Gropius from the FADU at the University of Buenos Aires.

Lectorship in Buenos Aires, FFyL-UBA

Dr. Patrick Eser
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Fac. de Filosofía y Letras
25 de Mayo 221
1002 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Lectorship in Tucumán, UNT

Esther Marhofen
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Fac. de Filosofía y Letras
Benjamín Aráoz 800
4000 San Miguel de Tucumán

Lectorship in Córdoba, UNC

Rabea Erradi
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Facultad de Lenguas
Av. Vélez Sársfield 187
5000 Córdoba Capital

Lectorship in Buenos Aires, IES Lenguas Vivas

Max Best
I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “J. R. Fernández”
Departamento de Alemán
Carlos Pellegrini 1515
1011 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Walter Gropius Chair at the School of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning at the University of Buenos Aires

Prof. Dr. Lisa Diedrich
Architect and Urban Planner
Visiting full professor at the Walter Gropius Chair
Pabellón III Ciudad Universitaria
Intendente Güiraldes
C1428EGA Buenos Aires

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  • DAAD Information Centre Buenos Aires

    Av. Corrientes 319, 1er piso, oficina 6 1043 Buenos Aires
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